
Module I 
Fundamentals of propulsion: Types of propulsive devices - Turbo prop, Turbo jet, Turbo fan, Turbo shaft, Ram jet, Scramjet, Pulse jet, Ram rocket, Comparative study of performance characteristics, Propellers, Advance ratio, Types of combustion chambers, Operating characteristics, Fuel injection in combustion chamber, Factors limiting turbine design, materials for turbine blades, cooling of turbine blades, Surging in compressors and its control, comparison of centrifugal and axial flow compressors 

Module II 
Thrust equation, Calculation of thrust and thrust power, propulsive efficiency, thermal efficiency, transmission efficiency, and overall efficiency of turbo jet engines, isentropic flow through nozzles, Thrust Augmentation 
methods, Analysis of turbo jet engine cycle, Component efficiencies, Diffuser efficiency, Compressor efficiency, Burner efficiency, Turbine efficiency, Nozzle efficiency, Velocity coefficient, Performance characteristics of a turbo jet engine, Analysis of Turboprop, Turbofan and Ramjet engine cycles. 

Module III 
Rocket Propulsion: General operating principles of rocket motors, performance parameters for rocket motors and their relationship, Rocket equation, Burn out velocity, Specific Impulse, Specific Propellant Consumption, Characteristic Velocity, Thrust Vector Control, Altitude gain, Solid propellant Rocket motor, Grain configuration, Propellant area ratio, Liquid propellant Rocket engines, Gas pressure feed systems, Turbo-pump feed system, Injectors, Hybrid rockets, Nuclear, Solar and Electrical rockets. 

Module IV 
Liquid fuels, Liquid Oxidizers, Liquid monopropellants, Cryogenic fluids as rocket propellants, Properties of cryogenic rocket propellants, Cryogenic rocket engine, Manufacture of cryogenic fluids, Igniters – Pyrotechnic & Pyrogen Igniters, Combustion instability, Cooling of Thrust Chambers – Radiation cooling, Ablative cooling, Regenerative cooling, Film cooling, Transpiration cooling, Aspects of Launching, Boost dynamics, Orbit equation, Space vehicle trajectories, Kepler’s Law, Atmospheric Re-entry of Space vehicles.

Note: Gas tables are permitted in the exam hall. 

1) Air craft and missile propulsion : Zucrow, D Van Nostrand Company 
2) Rocket Propulsion Elements : G P Sutton, John Wiley & Sons 
3) Fundamentals of Propulsion : V Babu, Ane Publishers 
4) Propulsion Systems : Hosny 
5) Aircraft Gas Turbine engine technology :Treager, TMH 
6) Gas Turbine Theory : Cohen & Rogers, Pearson 
7) Gas Turbines & Jet and Rocket Propulsion : Mathur & Sharma, Standard Pub. 
8) Fundamentals of Compressible Flow : Yahya, New Age International. 

Type of Questions for University Examination
Q1. Eight short answer questions of 5 marks each with two questions from each of the four modules. (8x5 = 40 marks) 
Q2 to Q5 : Two questions A & B of 15 marks from each module with option to answer either A or B. (4x15 = 60 marks

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