
Module I
General measurements concepts: precision and accuracy, Methods for estimating accuracy and precision, measuring errors. General principle of measurements: line and end measurements, standards; linear measurements, basic units, and quantities for displacement, mass, time, temperature & optics; Limits, Fits & Tolerance: systems of limits and fits, Hole basis and shaft basis system of representation ; tolerances for linear dimensions, calculation of tolerance grade, representaion. Gauges: classification, types of gauges, gauge maker’s tolerances, wear allowance, gauges materials.

Module II
Measurement of angles & tapers: sine bars, angle gauges: auto collimator, clinometer & spirit level; taper gauges, bevel protractors. Measurement of surface finish: surface structure, integrity, texture, roughens, waviness, lay, RMS & CLA values, roughness values produced by machining processes Optical measuring instruments: interferometry, optical flats, optimeters, and optical projectors, tool maker’s microscope, limitations

Module III
Applications of measuring instruments-functional elements of an instrument-instrument as transducer generalized measuring instrument-generalized mathematical model of measuring systems-zero order, first order and second order instruments-classification of instruments- input output configurations-methods of correction for spurious inputs -static calibration and determination of bias systematic error and random error-static and dynamic characteristics, potentiometer transducer as a zero order instrument-analysis of its loading error- mercury in glass thermometer as a first order instrument-step, ramp, frequency response-seismic instrument as a second order instrument.

Module IV
Measurement of strain : strain gauge classification –un bonded and bonded strain gauges-gauge factor-strain rosettes-temperature compensation-calibration. Measurement of force : multiple lever system for weighing- load cells-temperature sensitivity calibration- ballistic weighing- hydraulic and pneumatic load cells. Measurement of Torque: water break-Heenan and Froude hydraulic dynamometer-beam and strain gauge transmission dynamometer. Measurement of Temperature : pressure thermometer-RTDs-compensation for lead resistance thermocouples- five laws of thermocouples and their applications-series and parallel connected thermocouplespyrometry- optical pyrometer-infrared pyrometry-total radiation pyrometers. Air pollution measurements : gas chromatography-ORSAT’s apparatus. Nuclear instrumentation: Gieger Muller Counter-ionization chamber-scintillation counter. Acoustical measurements : basic acoustical parameters-sound pressure-sound pressure levelpower- intensitypower level-microphones-sound


1) Measurement systems – Application & Design: Doebelin E.O., Tata McGraw Hill
2) Metrology - Hume, McDonald
3) Metrology, Sharpe, ELBS
4) Metrology ,Taher, ELBS
5) Mechanical Measurements: Beckwith, Marangoni, Lienhard, Pearson Education

Type of Questions for University Exam.

Q 1.Eight short answer questions of 5 marks with two questions from each of the four modules. (8x5 = 40 marks)
Q 2. to Q.5 : Two questions A & B of 15 marks from each modules with option to answer either A or B. (4x15 = 60)

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