Each batch of students shall develop the project designed during the VII semester. The implementation phase shall proceed as follows:

• A detailed project report in the prescribed format shall be submitted at the end of the semester. All test results and relevant design and engineering documentation shall be included in the report.
• The work shall be reviewed and evaluated periodically

A committee consisting of the Project Coordinator (appointed by the Head of the Department / Division), project guide and at least one senior faculty member will carry out the assessment based on at least one interim review and a final review just before the submission of the project report. The final evaluation of the project shall include the following.

Presentation of the work
Oral examination
Demonstration of the project against design specifications
Quality and content of the project report

Guidelines for evaluation:
1. Regularity and progress of work 30
2. Work knowledge and Involvement 100
3. End semester presentation and oral examination 50
4. Level of completion and demonstration of functionality/specifications 70
5. Project Report – Presentation style and content 50
Total 300 marks

Note: Points (i) and (ii) to be evaluated by the respective project guide and the project coordinator based on continuous evaluation. (iii)-(v) to be evaluated by the final evaluation team.

3139 Brownton Road
Long Community, MS 38915

+7 495 287-42-34
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