ME 1605 : CAD/CAM
Module I
Fundamentals of CAD: Role of computers in design, geometric modelling- wireframe and solid, modelling, engineering analysis-FEM, design review and evaluation, automated drafting, design data base, softwares used in CAD, data exchange between CAD and CAM. Fundamentals of CAM: Definition of automation, levels of automation, high volume discrete parts production, Detroit type of automation, transfer machines, analysis of automated flow lines, assembly machines, flow line balancing, line balancing.
Module II
Computer Numerical Control: basic theory of numerical control, advantages of NC, open and closed loop system, information flow and control theory, classification of CNC machine tools, position control and continuous path control, principles of displacement measurement, digital linear and rotary displacement transducer, analog displacement measuring system. CNC part programming: Manual programming, work piece modelling and computer aided part programming, G and M function, canned cycles, CAPP languages, structure and use of major CAPP languages, programming in APT.
Module III
Design features of CNC machines: Special design features to match machine tools to numerical control system CNC tooling: ATC, APC, features of CNC systems for lathes and machining centre. Testing of NC machine tools, static and dynamic errors.
Module IV
Basic concepts of Robotics: Introduction, basic structure of Robots, resolution, accuracy, and repeatability. Classification and structure of Robotic systems: PTP and CP systems, control loops of robotic systems, types of robots Drives and Control systems: hydralic systems, DC servo motors, control approaches of Robots. Applications of Robots: handling, loading and unloading, welding, spray painting, assembly, machining. Programming: manual teaching, lead – through teaching, programming languages. Sensors and Intelligent Robots: introduction to Robotic sensors, vision systems, range detectors, force and torque sensors. Advanced concepts in automation: direct numerical control, CAE, CIM, FMS, computer integrated manufacturing – basic concepts of AI and expert systems for manufacturing automation
1) Grover & Zimmers “CAD/CAM” PHI
2) Radhakrishnan “CAD/CAM”,TMH
3) Michael P.G Grover, “Automation, Production Systems and Computer Aided Manufacturing”, Prentice Hall, 1980
4) Mechatronics : HMT (TMH)
5) CNC Machine Tools and Computer aided Kundra T.K, Rao P.N. and Tiwari N.K.
6) Manufacturing Engineering Hand Books 1984 SME
7) CAD/CAM theory & Practice : Zeid (TMH)
8) CNC Programming made easy: B.K.Jha , Vikas Publishing House
9) Robot Technology – Fundamental: James G Keramas , Vikas Thomson Learning
Type of Questions for University Exam.
Q 1.Eight short answer questions of 5 marks with two questions from each of the four modules. (8x5 = 40 marks)
Q 2. to Q.5 : Two questions A & B of 15 marks from each modules with option to answer either A or B. (4x15 = 60 marks)