Module I
Dimensional Analysis & Similitude : Rayleigh’s method, Buckingham’s Pi theorem, nondimensional parameters in fluid mechanics and machinery – principles of similitude – geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarities – model studies. Physical meaning of important dimensional groups of fluid mechanics and their practical use. Dynamic action of fluid : Momentum equation applied to a control volume, impact of jets, flow of an incompressible fluid over fixed and moving vanes, work done and efficiency.
Module II
Hydraulic turbines: Impulse and Reaction turbines, Pelton wheel, Francis turbine and Kaplan turbine, their constructional features, Velocity triangles, Performance characteristics – non dimensional parameters for comparative study of turbine study of turbine performance, Specific speed, Unit speed, Unit power, theory of draft tubes, speed regulation of turbines, Cavitation, Selection of type and speed of turbines.
Module III
Pumping machinery: general features of positive displacement and rotodynamic pumps, centrifugal pumps, classification, principle of working, velocity diagrams, work done, efficiency, minimum speed, specific speed, losses in pumps, circulatory flow, multistage pumps, propeller pumps, priming, Cavitation and its significance. Reciprocating pumps: Working, single acting and double acting pumps, Slip, Acceleration head, effect of friction, use of air vessels, Indicator diagrams, efficiencies, pump characteristics.
Module IV
Hydraulic Press, Hydraulic Ram, Hydraulic Intensifier, Hydraulic lift, Hydraulic Accumulator, Hydraulic Crane, Hydraulic Coupling, Hydraulic Torque Converter, Surge tank, Vane pump, gear pump, Working principles of axial and radial pumps, Application to hydraulic devices, Fluid transients, Free and Forced Vortex Apparatus
6) D.G.Shepherd : Principles of turbo machinery-Mac Millan Publishing Co. Inc.
7) Agarwal : Fluid mechanics & Machinery, TMH.
8) Douglas, Gasiorek, and Swaffield : Fluid mechanics – Pitman
9) Daugherty & Franzini : Fluid mechanics with Engg. Applications McGraw Hill
10) Vallentine : Applied hydrodynamics – Butterworths – London.
11) Herbert Addison : A treatise on applied hydraulics.
12) A.J. Stepanof : Centrifugal and axial flow pumps, Wiley, New York.
13) Som & Biswas : Introduction to fluid mechanics & Machinery (TMH)
14) Shaughnessy, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, OXFORD
Type of Questions for University Exam.
Q 1.Eight short answer questions of 5 marks with two questions from each of the four modules. (8x5 = 40 marks)
Q 2. to Q.5 : Two questions A & B of 15 marks from each modules with option to answer either A or B. (4x15 = 60 marks)