Module I
The atmosphere: characteristics of troposphere, thermosphere, ionosphere, pressure –temperature- density variations in the international standard atmosphere, correction of charts, The standard atmosphere.
Review of basic fluid dynamics: continuity, momentum, and energy equations for compressible and incompressible flows, static, dynamic and stagnation pressure, stagnation enthalpy, temperature
Module II
Aerodynamics: 2D viscous flow over bodies, 2D airfoils, nomenclature and classification, pressure distribution in viscid and real flows, circulation theory of air foils, centre of pressure and aerodynamic centre, 2D air foil
characteristics, aspect ratio, induced drag, calculation of induced drag from momentum considerations, skin friction and form drag – Drag divergence - Propellers - Blade element theory, propeller coefficients and charts.
Module III
Aircraft performance: flight envelops, v-n diagrams for manoeuvres, straight and level flight, gliding and climbing, rate of climb, service and absolute ceilings, gliding angle and speed of flattest glider take off, landing performance and length of run way required, range and endurance of aero planes, charts for piston and jet engine aircraft, aircraft instruments - Qualitative ideas of Stability.
Module IV
Aircraft engines: thrust equations- thrust power, propulsive power, propulsive efficiency, principle of turbo jet engines, engine performance characteristics – Rocket engines Principles of wind tunnel testing: open and closed types of wind tunnels, wind tunnel balances, pressure and velocity measurements, supersonic wind tunnels.
Note: Standard Atmospheric tables permitted in the exam hall.
1) Introduction to flight John D Anderson, McGraw Hill
2) Mechanics of flight: A C Kermode, Pearson Education
3) Aircraft performance selection & Design: Francis J Hale, John Wiley & Sons
4) Aero dynamics for Engg. Students: Houghton & Brock
5) Aerodynamics : MAV Piercy
6) Aerodynamics : Dommesch
Type of Questions for University Exam.
Q 1.Eight short answer questions of 5 marks with two questions from each of the four modules. (8x5 = 40 marks)
Q 2. to Q.5 : Two questions A & B of 15 marks from each modules with option to answer either A or B. (4x15 = 60 marks)